Nearly half of adults snore, and over 25 percent are habitual snorers.
Sleep apnoea is when you stop breathing during sleep. The sleep apnoea which occurs in snorers is called obstructive sleep apnoea because the throat actually blocks while you are sleeping. Sufferers can be seen to be struggling for air and tend to wake with a loud grunt or snort. Sometimes they actually hear their own snoring and if a snorer is waking himself up at night, it is often because of sleep apnoea.
Obesity, male gender, old age, alcohol, sleeping position,smoking, blocked nose, enlarged adenoids and tonsils, familial predisposition.
Sleep apnea leads to sleepless during day, reduced concentration span, dangerous to operate vehicles or heavy machinery. Long term sleep apnoea leads to chronic heart conditions and high morbidity.
You will be asked about the problem and examined, including your weight and height to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
The surgeon will first examine and investigate to identify the sites of airflow obstruction. Then as per the diagnosis, he may decide to undertake single or multiple procedures in one stage or in multiple stages to minimize these obstructions and bring relief from snoring and sleep apnoea.
Surgical treatments for obstructive sleep apnoea available in our hospital include:
Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction:
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP):
Barbed stitch Palatoplasty:
Midline Glossectomy and Base of Tongue Reduction:
Hyoid Suspension:
Genioglossus Advancement (GGA):
Maxillomandibular Osteotomy (MMO) and maxillomandibular advancement (MMA):.